The Cardin TXQ486200 is a 2-channel hand transmitter that operates on the frequency of 868MHz. This hand transmitter uses an encrypted rolling code system for safe use; thanks to a 66-bit code, more than 72 trillion different codes are possible and each code can only be used once. This makes it impossible for others to duplicate your remote control.
This article is also known as:
TXQ486 2CH
TXQ486 200
TXQ486 QZ2
TXQ486 QZ/2
S486 2CH
S486 200
S486 QZ2
S486 QZ/2
This transmitter is compatible with:
Alldoorco ALLD/868.spec/2k:
Only programmable via the receiver, not from transmitter to transmitter!
Alldoorco TRQ486200.ALD:
Only programmable via the receiver, not from transmitter to transmitter!
Heras TXQ486200:
Only programmable via the receiver, not from transmitter to transmitter!
Programming the transmitter:
Receiver without display (RCQ486100/RQM486200/RSQ486200):
From transmitter to transmitter (using the hidden button)
Receiver with display:
Only directly on the receiver. See the receiver manual for the menu structure that must be followed during programming.