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Remote Sommer Slider+ TX40-868-4 (S10305-00075)

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Handzender Sommer Slider TX40-868-4

The Sommer Slider+ TX40-868-4 is a modern 4-channel remote with 4 buttons. The remote has round buttons for easy use. The Sommer Slider+ TX40-868-4 comes with a rolling code with a super secure 128Bit AES encryption. You can program this remote directly to your controller/receiver/opener. This remote is suited for the control of receivers and openers of the brand Sommer with a frequency of 868MHz.

The Sommer Slider TX40-868-4 icomes with a Benelux region code and is only compatible with devices that share the same region code. On the image below, you can clearly see the region code near the white arrow. The region code on the Pearl is '-00075'. Does your current remote come with the same region code? Then this new remote is compatible with your installation.

Region codes

S10305-00076 (MIBA)

Switching between SOMloq and SOMloq2 coding
Basically, this remote is ready to be used with an 128Bit receiver (SOMloq2) and the LED light will be orange/amber. By holding down the button longer, the LED light will turn red and the remote will switch to 64Bit (SOMloq1)

If the remote has been coupled to an older SOMloq1 receiver, and you then program it to the new SOMloq2 receiver, it will no longer function on the old receiver.
If you then press down the button for 3 seconds, the remote will go to repeater mode and will transmit 5 times for about 15 seconds long.

If you couple the remote with a SOMloq2 receiver first, then you have to push the button 5 times before you can switch it back to SOMloq1 mode. When doing this, make sure to be out of the reach of your SOMloq2 receiver.


Number of pushbuttons 4
Radio Frequency 868MHz
Color of button Gray
Color of LED Red
Radio code Sommer SOMloq (64Bit), Sommer SOMloq2 (128Bit AES) BeNeLux-code
Number of channels 4
Rolling code? Yes
Self learning? No
Homelink compatibel? No
Battery type CR2032 3V Lithium
Compatible drive model Sommer Base+ S9060, Sommer Base+ S9080, Sommer Base+ S9110, Sommer Pro+ S9060, Sommer Pro+ S9080, Sommer Pro+ S9110, Sommer Tiga+ S9060, Sommer Tiga+ S9080, Sommer Tiga+ S9110
Brand Sommer